Drill Down Donut PRO & Drill Down Pie PRO Visuals




In this video, you’ll learn about setting up and using the interactions available in Drill Down Donut PRO & Pie PRO. Here are the main topics covered:

  • Using the on-chart drill down interactions to drill down and filter the rest of the report.
  • Configuring the middle part of the donut chart to act as navigation controls.
  • Selecting single or multiple slices on the donut or pie chart & clearing your selection.
  • Combining smaller categories into a single “Others” slice that can be expanded.
Overall, this tutorial video provides a comprehensive explanation of the various interactions available within the donut chart, empowering users to effectively navigate and explore the data visualizations.

Additional Information

Topic files

Use this sample file to follow the course

Visuals used

Drill Down Donut PRO Visual

Drill Down Pie PRO Visual
